Numbers don't matter. The United States will lose because it worships statistics. The whole American strategy is based on arithmetic. But mere arithmetic doesn't work here. If it did, your war machinery would have exterminated us already. You see, it doesn't matter how men will lose. It doesn't matter whether we hold on to that part of the city for a month or a year. Our answer to the superior material force of the United States is a superior moral force. We oppose the patriotism and revolutionary zeal of our people to the false slogans your government uses to camouflage greed and lust for power. We are winning now because your countrymen have begun to understand that they are bound to lose, and are more confused than ever about what they set out to do. The more planes and guns and troops that your government sends to Vietnam, the more bitter will be its inevitable defeat.
Bien entendu loin de moi de penser qu'il a raison et surtout de dresser un parallèle bancal entre le Vietnam et l'Afghanistan. Ô grand non, mais il y a des éléments de vérité dans son propos et les armées en Afghanistan ont mordu la poussière avant de les assimiler. Le processus d'adaptation aux conditions des guerres assymétriques est long et compliqué, mais petit à petit on remarque des progrès. De là à ce que cela suffisse pour que l'Afghanistan se termine par un "succès", difficile à dire.
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